Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pre Wedding Nerves

Entry 3

I'm getting married tomorrow and I'm very overjoyed and excited, but at the same time I'm extremely nervous. As far as I can remember, I have only gotten married three times in my life so you would think this would be a walk in the park for me, but it's not. I'm not just marrying any man, but my soulmate, and I knew he was my soulmate, even during the other times I got married. It's not that I didn't love my late husbands, but I primarily married them for companionship and support, and hoped it would help me forget about Jaja, but it never truly did. Due to some very unfortunate events, Jaja and I had been separated many times. For a couple thousand years, the only person who seemed to keep Jaja alive in my memory was Alaje, who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. For the longest time, Alaje traveled with me and helped me through the toughest times, especially when his sister, Lidata passed away.

Even though Alaje was very difficult to raise, because he'd always get into a lot of trouble, he became a great asset to me in his adult years. He took on the skill of wielding dual daggers and went adventuring with me, where we helped people where ever we went. During the rise of Amphador, Mhach, and Nym, I wanted to go study white magic, so we went our seperate ways when Alaje wanted to stay in the area he was familiar with while I went to further my education in Amphador. I unfortunately wasn't expecting us to be torn apart when the War of the Magi came upon the three cities and destroyed them. That war tore many families apart and killed many people, and for the longest time, I believed it took away my son. That was probably one of the worst times of my life, and one I'd rather forget.

I'm hoping after Jaja and I get married, that I'll be able to figure out a way to free Alaje from prison, so that we could finally be a family, that is my wish.

Chile Puqile and Lidata Lida

Entry 2

I didn't officially settle down until about one thousand years after the Third Astral Era. I met a fisherman named Chile Puqile in one of the many small towns around what would be modern day La Noscea. At first I found him incredibly annoying... probably because he threw a fish at my face... I can assure you it was a total accident on his part, but I was pissed. I wanted him to leave me alone and let me go on my way but he was persistent... so finally, I agreed to let him take me out to dinner. After a few more dinner dates I really got to know him as a very modest, but kind man who just wanted to make a living for his sick mother. About a month after we met, she finally passed away. He was devastated and while he was mourning her death, I was considering that I probably should exit his life as soon as I was able to... it's not that I didn't care for him, I just didn't want to get too attached due to the inevitable. I left him a note that I was leaving, but of course he followed me like a total idiot. I guess we can say that I didn't move on, and we married a year later.

A few years after getting married, I gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Lidata. Chile and I were extremely happy and it seemed like everything was working out for us. We moved from a very small apartment to our own cottage by the beach. Since Chile was getting promotions at work and I was forming my own private medical practice, we were saving gil, and putting money toward a savings account for Lidata when she was ready. Unfortunately when Lidata was five, Chile's fishing ship was attacked by pirates, and Chile went down with it. Since no body was recovered, we sent an empty sea pyre out to the ocean. A few years later when Lidata was old enough, I told her all my secrets and when she was ready for schooling, I taught her all I knew, from reading and writing in Allagan to simple things, such as swimming and cooking. I wanted her to be a well rounded, educated young woman, and a educated young woman she became.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Always Survived Never Lived

Entry 1

So I have been doing journals for a huge chunk of my life, some I've discarded, others I've kept, and a few I even made profit on when I sold them to museums for a large chunk of gil. You know you're really old when a museum buys your artifact of a journal written by an alias you had several hundred years ago and gets all excited about it. Sorry, that was sort of a lengthy sentence. My point is that I've been around for awhile now, a few thousand years in fact. I have memories as early as the tail end of the Third Astral Era toward the beginning of the Fourth Umbral. I'm happy that I got a combination lock for this journal because I'd be fucked if anyone ever opened this. But yes... I'm roughly 5,000 years old, give or take and as far as I know.. I'm immortal, if I have been aging, it's been very slowly. 

I have never been sick, I guess you could say I have a golden immune system, despite knowing that I just don't get sick, I visit the doctor anyways. However, I can get pregnant, I've had four children. My eldest, Lidata died of old age. She grew up to be a librarian and married a shipwright. She died surrounded by family and friends... she had a very happy ending and while I miss her, I'm happy that she left Hydaelyn the way she did. 

My second child is Alaje and unfortunately for him, he had inherited my curse and had traveled with me for a couple thousand years before we were separated during the War of the Magi. Alaje had always been good at stealth and was skilled with daggers and knives. I feared the worst and believed that Alaje had been turned into a tonberry and was trapped in Wanderer's Palace for all of eternity, but recent news has told me otherwise. Alaje is alive and well, but in prison for rape. He was framed and I plan on breaking him out and clearing his name... why do I know that he was framed? Mother's intuition I guess. I hope that I'm right. 

My third and fourth children were twins, Makotako and Makotoki... but I nicknamed them Mako 1 and 2 when they were infants. Mako 1 became a wealthy merchant, just like his father and was going to inherit his business, but Mako 1 and my husband at the time were murdered during an attack on their caravan, they died too soon. Mako 2 became a doctor, a lot like me and died in his bed surrounded by family and friends. The only person who's left from that family line is Mako 2's son, Rulujara who's a gladiator in Ul'dah. I come visit him and watch his matches every now and then. He knows me as grandma, but in public I act as his sister since we look about the same age. 

Don't get me wrong, I've loved all of the families I've had, my friends, I've had amazing experiences that not many people would get. I've had a great life, but with great moments come the shit moments and there were a lot of lowlights in my history. I've constantly questioned the reason for my existence and why I am the way I am.. but I've never gotten a clear answer, just several questions that pile up each century. Even extensive research in magic, history, and medicine has not helped me... I'm worried that I'm doomed to wander this world.. and that could very well be my fate. 

I've always survived, yet never lived. Because of my condition I've been constantly on the run, changing identities, faking my death, or simply just up and leaving one day like I was never there. I can never truly develop life long friendships because I have to always be on the move. I'm currently in a free company filled with very nice people but eventually I'll even have to leave them. The only person who's stayed constant in my life is my partner Jajaruka, who's been afflicted with the same curse as me.. he's also Alaje's father... which could be the reason as to why Alaje's never aged. I don't really know. I actually managed to open up to one of my free company mates, but as of right now I don't think she knows the extent of what I've been through or how long I've lived.. she just knows I've been around for a really long time. 

As of right now though, I'm having fun making new friends and I'm finally with Jaja after being separated so many times. Aside from my condition, I'm a completely normal woman, I love flowers, romance, and dresses... I want to have an awesome wedding, and I want to live a life with the one I love and hopefully, that will all happen for me soon. I think I've written more than enough for a first entry so I think I'll end it here. - Liara